Checklist for checking compliance with labor protection requirements during the extraction (catch), processing of aquatic biological resources and the production of certain types of products from aquatic biological resources. The form of a checklist (checklist) for the implementation of the federal
A task:
Has the employer ensured training and testing of knowledge of labor protection requirements for workers admitted to work: for the extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
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Has the employer ensured training and testing of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of employees admitted to work: processing of aquatic biological resources?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
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Has the employer ensured training and testing of knowledge of the labor protection requirements of workers admitted to work: production of certain types of products from aquatic biological resources?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
DailyA task:
Has the employer approved the list of workers' professions and types of work for which additional (increased) labor protection requirements are imposed?Report type:
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Has the employer ensured that workers performing work to which additional (increased) labor protection requirements are imposed: re-instruction on labor protection at least once every three months?Report type:
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Has the employer ensured that the employees performing work to which additional (increased) labor protection requirements are imposed: checking the knowledge of labor protection requirements - at least once every twelve months?Report type:
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Has the employer approved the list of work performed according to permit work orders?Report type:
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Has the ship's master issued an order on the appointment of responsible executors from among the ship's command personnel for direct supervision of work with increased danger?Report type:
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DailyA task:
Has the employer ensured the performance of work with increased danger associated with the implementation of production processes: harvesting (catching) in places of constant exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, in accordance with the work permit nReport type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
DailyA task:
Has the employer ensured the performance of work with increased danger associated with the implementation of production processes: processing of aquatic biological resources in places of constant exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors, in accordance with the nationalReport type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
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Has the employer ensured the performance of work with increased danger associated with the implementation of production processes: production and storage of products from aquatic biological resources in places of constant exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
DailyA task:
Has the employer organized the registration of issued and issued permit work orders in the journal?Report type:
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Has the employer ensured that OSH instructions are approved by the employer's local regulations?Report type:
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Has the employer approved OSH instructions for each type of work with increased danger, carried out on an ongoing basis and performed by a permanent staff of workers in similar conditions?Report type:
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Has the employer ensured that the ship's electromechanic maintains a special log, in which records are made of the electrical trawling mode, measurement results, detected faults and measures to eliminate them?Report type:
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Has the employer provided employees with personal protective equipment?Report type:
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Has the employer provided: equipment for sanitary facilities?Report type:
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Has the employer provided: equipment for eating areas?Report type:
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Has the employer provided: equipment for medical care facilities?Report type:
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Has the employer provided: equipment for restrooms during working hours?Report type:
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Has the employer provided: organization of first aid postsReport type:
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Has the employer ensured: staffing of first aid kits?Report type:
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Has the employer ensured: the installation of apparatus (devices) to provide workers in hot shops and sections with carbonated salt water?Report type:
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Did the employer provide mechanization of: lifting the wings and the snurrevod bag when fishing with the snurrevod?Report type:
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Has the employer provided mechanization of: lifting the tie rings on board the vessel when fishing for purse?Report type:
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Has the employer provided the mechanization of: lowering the suction hose of a fish pump or submersible fish pump overboard and lifting it to the deck when fishing on electric light with fish pumps, side and cone pickups?Report type:
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DailyA task:
Has the employer ensured mechanization of: loading and unloading operations related to the acceptance (delivery) of fish, during the acceptance (delivery) of fishing objects at floating fish receiving points (pontoons)?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
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Has the employer ensured mechanization of: loading the drum of the flake separator during washing, primary processing and salting of aquatic biological resources?Report type:
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Has the employer ensured the mechanization of: preparation and supply of brine for the preparation of preserves in the production of preserves and canned food from aquatic biological resources?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency:
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Has the employer ensured the mechanization of: feeding raw materials into the top in the production of semi-finished products and culinary products from aquatic biological resources?Report type:
Report without materialsExecution frequency: